Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Blog Post 5: Following An Alternative Diet

Deciding on an alternative diet
Now that I have analyzed my current (traditional) diet, I am ready to explore an alternative diet that should improve my daily recommended intakes.  Since I already follow a Mediterranean diet and I enjoy the variety and moderation that comes with such a diet, I plan on continuing a Mediterranean diet for its known benefits (for example, making sure to eat with my family, and consume some light milks, meats, and cheeses.

However, from my analysis it is clear that I need to reduce my saturated fats intake, and increase my intake of green leafy veggies and complex starches.

How I plan on making adaptations to my diet
To reduce my intake of saturated fats, I plan on reducing my intake of cheeses, trying to limit my intake to once a day or once every other day (in lieu of during almost every meal).  In addition, I plan on incorporating more green leafy veggies into our meal planning schedule (such as cruciferous veggies like Kale), and also adding more variety into my breakfast schedule (for example, instead of bread every morning, I will try to instead have oatmeal or granola occasionally to add more complex starches to my diet.

By incorporating more green leafy vegetables, more complex starches, and reducing saturated fats in my diet, I will reduce my risk of developing diet-related diseases such as Type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

To help the amazing nutrition students in preparing this blog post: 
1) Bold the diet you to plan follow as an alternative diet
2) discuss how you plan on making changes to your diet and give examples
3) Include a general hypothesis on what these changes may mean for your health.  Please note that your hypothesis should be like this: focus on the changes you are making and what they mean in general terms for your diet (don't be overspecific or describe every element you are changing individually- hypotheses should be the general underlying theme of your idea.

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