My Diet


  1. In the morning I have whole grain cereal with skim or soy milk with a glass of orange juice if not that, I will try to have sausage or eggs just to gain more nutrients. For lunch I have tofu with rice noodles and sometimes at least every other day I will have some chicken with my tofu to add to my diet; I will drink water to stay hydrated. For dinner, I have tofu mixed with chicken and pasta with a glass of water to complete my night. I am a very picky eater so that is mainly all I eat at the cafe here on campus. I felt dull after my meal and I always eat with my friends normally or sometimes by myself if I feel the need to. I want to try becoming less of a picky eater and start trying new varieties of foods to gain more nutrients and protein. A healthy body truly makes life a happier place and it truly feels amazing to be healthy. I love to dance for exercise. I actually have been dancing at least twice a day to stay fit. My meals are never rushed I always take my time and enjoy every bite of each meal I have. I keep my plates small when it comes to meals so I wont gain weight. - Irene Michalos

  2. I actually posted my blog on here by accident I am so sorry. haha
