Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Blog Post 6: Design and Analysis of New (Alternative Diet)

Designing my new diet
Now that I know the steps I plan on taking to improve my diet, I need to plan a 1-day diet that incorporates these changes.  I will add variety to my diet as I planned by having an oatmeal based breakfast, will reduce my cheeses for the day, and will incorporate more green leafy veggies into my diet.

Planned meals:
Breakfast- oatmeal based mealLunch- Paella w/Brown Rice
1.5 cups oatmealdash saffron
1 cup lowfat milk1 cup brown rice
1 cup water0.25 pounds rabbit
0.1 cup raisinshalf green pepper
0.1 cup walnuts1/4 onion
0.1 cup almonds1/2 tomato
1 med bananadash salt
1 espresso1/4 cup EVOO
1 cup soy milk1/2 cup peas
3 cups water0.1 lbs cup shrimp
1 kiwi0.1 lbs shrimp cup clams
1 tbsp maple syrup0.1 lbs cup mussels
dash lemon
Dinner- Homemade Veg. Soup w/ emphasis on green leafy veggies3 cups water
1 potato
1.5 carrotsSnacks during the day
1 sweet potatoblack tea
1 cup butternut squash2 cups water 
1 tbsp EVOOorange
dash salt2 cups water
2 cups water
spring mix 1 cup
spinach 2 cups
1 tbsp EVOO
1/2 onion
1 tomato
1/2 cucumber
0.2 bouillon cube chicken

Analysis of New Diet
Now that I have my planned diet, I need to make sure it will meet my RDAs for vitamins, minerals, and food groups according to myplate before trying it out

Looking at my bar graph for my one day diet:

Here are the values from my new diet- all my RDAs are met with this diet, and my sat. fat intake has been reduced

The bar graph analysis shows that my new alternative diet still meets all of my RDAs,. and drastically reduces my saturated fat intake.  My protein intake appears double my requirement, however as we learned, having a little more protein in your diet is not deleterious unless there is a history of protein related diseases in the family (e.g.- kidney stones), plus some/ most of my protein intake is plant based.

I then ran the myplate analysis to ensure I am reaching my recommendations according to this system:
This new alternative diet fulfills the requirements of ChooseMyPlate

I was happy to see with this altered diet I am now getting enough vegetables and high quality grains in my diet.

So, now that I have a set schedule for the day, I will follow it tomorrow and see how I feel at the end of the day.

To nutrition students, I recommend  the following order to make this post simple and less time consuming:
1) Design your diet as you think it should be with your chosen diet, it is easiest to design it in excel, because this can then easily be uploaded into blogger
2) Input your information into the diet analysis calculator, and see how the numbers work out.  If you notice you are exceeding a certain category or haven't met an RDA, you can then tweak your intakes and then update your excel spreadsheet to make sure you are reaching your goals
3) Once everything works well, run the 'bar graph' and 'myplate' analysis tools and follow the same format as previously completed for your blog post 3.
4) Bon courage, and have fun designing your new diet!

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