Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Blog Post 8: Conclusion

Part 1:
To my nutrition students; I will not complete part 1 of the conclusion, I will leave that for your blogs.  But keep in mind, what I want you to address is how nutrition changed over the past 100 years in the US.  What I am ideally looking for is that you bring up not how food is produced, but how and where we eat food (i.e.- the shift from eating and preparing inside the home to outside of the home) and what that has meant for your personal consumption of food. Please discuss briefly the advantage of systems such as in helping people improve their diet (for example, did you find it beneficial, or not?).   Finally, be sure to discuss (briefly) the benefits of maintaining a healthy diet, in regards to current health and the long term benefits in regards to quality of life and reduced healthcare costs (i.e.- if you don't get sick, you don't have to pay for hospital stays, etc.). 

Part 2: 
Personally, I found this blog exercise extremely helpful to my own diet.  After moving to France, we made changes to our diet without actually thinking about the impact they would play on our health (#mindlesseating).  Interestingly, once I discovered these faults in our diet, there wasn't a quick method to make the changes overnight; since I first had to make sure they also work with my family.  My wife did her own analysis and was equally as shocked to find how much our diet has changed since moving here.  Together, we were able to make an informed decision about how we wanted to re-structure our diet.  This shows just one of the hurdles one may have when attempted to correct a diet.  Overall, I am very happy that I was able to do this exercise; the changes it placed in our diet (which we plan on continuing) I am certain will have benefits as we continue our adventure in France.  It also reminded me that it is essential to continue to monitor our diet in the future, especially when we make a life changing event (for example, when we move back to the US we should again assess our diet to see how we have adjusted back and again make any necessary changes).  

Thanks for reading, and bon courage with your own diet assessment!

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